Coat : Bar III ~ Leggings : Trouve ~ Hat : Restoration Hardware (on sale and love it!) ~ Umbrella : Totes
~ Gloves : Nordstrom ~ Boots : Juicy Couture (old! – could purchase here)
Winter Wonderland : Mother Nature 😉
So what is it that every little kid dreams about in the winter….pretty sure its a SNOW DAY!
Well I’ll leave little to the imagination, but that is what I got last Friday. It started snowing heavily on Thursday night and to much surprise, we woke up to 2 feet of snow the next morning and it continued to snow heavily throughout the day. With the roads being such chaos I decided to stay home and take a snow day. Normally I would just work from home (but of course our internet was down), so I thought, hey, why not take some pictures for the blog?? Of course that is what any sane person would do right?? lol
So here is my take on what a very fashionable “abominable snowman” or what little red riding hood would wear during a blizzard!
p.s. – I would HIGHLY recommend this umbrella!! It is literally the best on rainy or snowy days. Since it is dome shaped, I can bring it down in front of my face and it covers everything.