Shirt : Old Navy ~ Skirt : ASTR via Nordstom (good alternative) ~ Coat : barIII ~
Purse : Marc Jacobs ~ Sunglasses : Karen Walker ~ Shoes : Shoedazzle ~
Fur Stole : H&M, old (loving this) ~ Necklace : A Modern Boutique
I know it’s not even Thanksgiving yet, but I can’t wait for the holidays. Maybe it’s because it snowed, or because of my red accessories.
It’s funny because Thanksgiving is probably my favorite actual holiday, I love the idea of people sitting around, eating great food and having good conversation around the table. It ‘s a day I always look forward to. But for some reason this year, I am already getting excited to buy my Christmas tree (must be a live one ps), and decorating around the house (yet I REFUSE to do this until the day after Thanksgiving, I’m weird haha).
What are you excited for this winter?