Off to the Beach


Bikini : Forever21 ~ Levi Shirt : Trouvé ~ Shorts : Forever21 ~ Hat : Ralph Lauren Polo ~
Shoes : Tory Burch ~ Glasses : Tom Ford (love these)~ Purse : Louis Vuitton ~
Necklace/Ring : Forever21 (actually a long necklace – similar) ~ Earrings : Kate Spade ~
Watch : Burberry ~ Nail Polish : Sinful Colors in 24/7  

Looking at these photos…I am longing to go back to the warm weather! The beach and pool are my absolute favorite past time.

I decided to try a sporty look by throwing on a baseball hat, but it also came as a big convenience to protect my face from the sun while being active at the beach. I did throw some glam on by draping one of my long necklaces around my wrist and finger to create a bracelet and ring silhouette. It is better for the pool or beach because then you aren’t having to worry about have loose rings by the water.

My favorite find were these crochet shorts! I have been wanting a pair, so when I found this cheap and affordable pair that still had great quality I had to get them.


Linking Up To:

StylelixirBecause Shanna Said So…The Pleated PoppyTransatlantic BlondePlane PrettyTwo Thirty-Five DesignsWhat Jean LikesRolled Up Pretty