*all photos taken with my I-phone. please forgive the quality.
A few weeks ago, I was able to attend the “Lifetime of Beauty” event thrown by
Aesthetica Utah Medical Spa!It was a fun filled night where I got to learn about some cool new procedures and techniques they are using. They also gave tours of their full facility with includes pedicure/manicure rooms, full massage rooms, treatment facilities for lazers or injections and a plastic surgery department.
When I was really little, around 8 years old, I had a HORRIBLE case of Chicken Pox and ended up getting tiny pox scars all over my face. Although they have faded with age, they are something that I (as a girl) always look at and critique. I was so excited to learn of some of the great lazer treatments they have available for me that can also be quite non-invasive.
Make sure to go check out all of their offering HERE! They are located in Lindon, Utah which actually only takes me about 35-45 minutes on the freeway to get from Salt Lake!
Hope you all have a wonderful Friday 🙂