Back in my good old collage days, I was part of a fabulous sorority called Delta Gamma!! And let me tell you, did we throw some events!! And the common theme in all of these, is that we would always have the most darling custom shirts done for each event, to make them that much more special.
I have come across a fabulous custom clothing manufacturer that allows you to make custom t-shirts for any occasion. Whether it be for your next sorority event, for the big game or possibly a special birthday, they are willing to fill your needs!
By following these simple steps, you easily can:
Step 1 – Choose a Shape to Suit You !
The wonderful thing about designing a t-shirt through TeeTick is that you can pick the shape of your shirt! Most times when ordering shirts, you are stuck with a boxy cut. Well now you can find shapes that flatter all men and women sizes and shapes. Plus they even have the option of putting custom graphics on halter tops, tank tops, polos and much more.
Step 2 – Pick a Bright Color !
TeeTick offers so many unique and fun colors. For anyone who follows my blog, you know I love one thing, and its color! So make sure to go big, or go home and find a fun color that flatters the crowd.
Step 3 – Create a Fun & Unique Design
Make sure that when you are creating your design, pick a fun and unique design that represents you or your groups spirit. You can chose simple or intricate designs to showcase. I would probably recommend a simpler design for it to really stand out, but it is an empty palette, so let your mind run free.
Step 4 – Create a Catchy Slogan or Name
Remember you can always add fun words or slogans to your shirt to make sure that any special messaging really stands out in the crowd!
Make sure to check out TeeTick design at their website or at their Facebook page! They have hundreds of options to browse through and i know they will be perfect for your next big event.
And check out some of their samples below, see how cute your could make a custom shirt and sweatpants for any event – holidays, birthday, high school dances, vacations, family reunions – the possibilities are endless!!